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Web-Generated Leads - Don't Wait, Call Immediately!

  • By David Clemons
  • 31 Jul, 2017

Most companies lose their prospects within 20 minutes of a web-based lead filled out by the customer...

Don’t Wait! Contact Your Leads within 5 minutes!


Study reports the best day of the week and the time of day to make contact with web-generated leads.

Most companies may have a very bad habit of collecting leads and then waiting a few hours or even days to make contact with the prospect. 

In a recently published study, multi-year data was pulled from professional call centers providing information about the age of leads, call back schedule, work flow, and the ultimate and success or failure of reaching the prospect.

Several companies with over ten thousand leads collected the pool of data with over one hundred thousand outbound calls. This leads to a significant block of data and a verified study. 

The goal is to define the actual workflow and timing to “Contact” in real time with a prospect that has shown interest in a product or service.

The report stated the customer data was captured with a web-based form which could mean from a sponsored website or even a social network.  This is a summary of the report and findings.

The defining question of the study was this:


What is the best call-back time to a web-generated lead?


Here are the public results based on actual tracked big data, workflow, call scheduling and reporting .

1.    What are the best days to call a web-based generated lead? Wednesday / Thursday ( 49% )

2.    What is the best time of day to call on Wednesday and Thursday to actually speak in real time to the prospect? 4 PM – 6 PM. ( 114%)


3.    10 X Factor of increased “prospect contact” within one hour and the 5 minute marker was the most important principle to consider and engage in right away.


These numbers are fascinating to us. If you are a service based company when is the best time to call your prospects? 4-6 PM. If you are looking to grow your company based on web-based lead generation, be available to call your customer immediately ( within 5 minutes) of them filling out a web based form on your web site or social sites. The results are very positive and promising to any business.


David Clemons











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