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Official Push360 Blog

Coronavirus Reponse

  • By Eliza Hammon
  • 24 Mar, 2020

The Road Ahead

Coronavirus Response. Push360

COVID-19 (coronavirus) has taken the world by storm. As the number of confirmed cases in America continues to rise, we encourage everyone to do their part by following guidelines outlined by official sources such as the World Health Organization. In an effort to “flatten the curve,” nations around the globe are shutting down borders, closing businesses, and asking everyone to stay home. In addition to the state of our health, the economic impact will be drastic.

We understand the hard choices business owners now face. Industries are being told to drastically change their services or asked to close down completely. This means changing the way employees work (if at all) and seeing income dwindle or dry up.

The alarm bells are ringing for businesses everywhere. But opportunity awaits. Consider making the most of these uncertain times by improving your core business practices. When the storm passes, your business will be stronger than ever and ready to take on the world.

Consider “At Home” Services

What can your company do online or over the phone? Maybe it’s a service you don’t generally focus on or one that you don’t currently offer but could fit into your business model. Now is a wonderful time to explore these options, as more people are working remotely or finding themselves with spare time.

This is even applicable with the healthcare industry. Instead of offering in-person consultations, consider a video call to your patients in the comfort of their own home. There are immediate benefits during the current crisis, as well as long-term bonuses. Telework saves time and resources.

Invest in Employee Training

Finding time for employee training and development can be difficult in the usual frenzy of every day business. Now’s the time to act! Even if your employees aren’t in the office, you can offer online training or virtual meetings. Prep your workforce during the slowdown so they’re ready to hit the ground running.

Tackle “Back Burner” Projects

Are there any tasks you’ve been putting off to focus on the “money making” parts of your business? Take advantage of your downtime by investing in the future of your company. This can include anything from redesigning your website to creating that new sales strategy you’ve been thinking about. Even if you don't have the resources to finish such a project, you can still lay the groundwork or even just outline it.

Build Brand Recognition

Businesses show their true colors during hard times. Could your company offer resources or discounts to help at-risk members of your community? You can build recognition, trust, and loyalty for your brand right now. Take Uber Eats for example. They’ve waived their delivery fee to help both customers with lowered incomes and local businesses with reduced clientele stay in business during shutdowns. The economic measures being taken affect everyone in the community. How could your business help?

As COVID-19 continues to sweep across our nation, we want to reiterate both the seriousness of the virus and the need for cool heads. Times like these are best weathered by adaptable, flexible businesses who can do what’s needed while planning for the future.

At Push360, we’re standing by to help you navigate these tricky waters. If you have any questions regarding the tips above or other business endeavors you may have, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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